To export your connections list:
- Move your cursor over Connections at the top of your homepage and select Keep in Touch.
- Click the Settings icon near the top right to reach the Contact Settings page.
- Under Advanced Settings on the right, click Export LinkedIn Connections.
- Enter the security verification text if prompted and then click Continue.
- Click Export.
- Save the file somewhere you can easily find it, like your computer's desktop.
- Open the file and print (optional).
- The CSV and vCard formats do not support all characters. As a result, languages with extended character sets such as Chinese, Japanese or Hebrew are not supported.
- You can't currently export a list of your contacts that are not 1st-degree connections.
- If you're exporting your connections because you have a duplicate account:
- Remember to close your extra account.
- To import your connections list to another LinkedIn account, make sure you've saved the file in a location you can find, and then follow the instructions for importing contacts.
- Learn more about duplicate accounts.
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