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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Exporting Your LinkedIn Connections

How do I export my connections and transfer them to another account?

You can export a CSV file of your connections from the Contact Settings page. Note: Only the full name, email address, current employer, and position are exported.
To export your connections list:
  1. Move your cursor over Connections at the top of your homepage and select Keep in Touch.
  2. Click the Settings icon near the top right to reach the Contact Settings page.
  3. Under Advanced Settings on the right, click Export LinkedIn Connections.
  4. Enter the security verification text if prompted and then click Continue.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it, like your computer's desktop.
  7. Open the file and print (optional).
If you're using Internet Explorer and you see a yellow pop-up blocker across the top or bottom of the page, click the yellow bar, select Save As, and then save the file somewhere you can easily find it.
  • The CSV and vCard formats do not support all characters. As a result, languages with extended character sets such as Chinese, Japanese or Hebrew are not supported.
  • You can't currently export a list of your contacts that are not 1st-degree connections.
  • If you're exporting your connections because you have a duplicate account:

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