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Friday, June 13, 2014


is a menu-driven add-in program for Microsoft Excel written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), for solving basic problems in pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) data analysis. The program provides a range of modules for PK and PD analysis including noncompartmental analysis (NCA), compartmental analysis (CA), and pharmacodynamic modeling. Two special built-in modules, multiple absorption sites (MAS) and enterohepatic circulation (EHC), were developed for fitting the double-peak concentrationÐtime profile based on the classical one-compartment model. In addition, twenty frequently used pharmacokinetic functions were encoded as a macro and can be directly accessed in an Excel spreadsheet. PKSolver simplified the PK and PD data analysis process and its output could be generated in Microsoft Word in the form of an integrated report. The program provides pharmacokinetic researchers with a fast and easy-to-use tool for routine and basic PK and PD data analysis with a more user-friendly interface. It should be noted that PKSolver is a free program, everyone interested in it can download from: providing they have the ability to get fulltext from ScienceDirect. Also available from (with permission). System requirements: Microsoft Office (2003/2007/2010), Platforms: Microsoft Windows (XP/Vista/7). Contact for support or upgrade: Zhang Yong, Ph.D, China Pharmaceutical University, E-mail:, or Huo Mei-Rong, Ph.D, China Pharmaceutical University, E-mail: